チリイチゴを紹介する新聞記事.スペイン語. Contulmoのイチゴフェスティバル
イチゴフェスティバルで売られていたオランダイチゴとチリイチゴ.価格はチリイチゴの方がずっと高い. チリイチゴにワインを加えたフルーツパンチ.1杯100円くらい.
チリイチゴとオランダイチゴの固さの比較.チリイチゴは外が固く内側は柔らかい ペクチンなど細胞壁成分の違い.チリイチゴはペクチン質が多い.
オランダイチゴ(上)とチリイチゴ(下)が着色して行く様子.チリイチゴは種が先に赤くなり,徐々に果実がピンク色になって行く. チリイチゴの花房.花の数が少ないので収量は低い.


書  籍
  1. 西沢 隆.1995.植物の開花と結実.池田 武編著.作物の生理・生態学大要.養賢堂.p. 156-166.(分担執筆)
  2. 西沢 隆.1997.イチゴ.平成9年度 東海・北陸地区大学放送公開講座 果物・野菜散歩.北陸放送.p. 37-45.(分担執筆)
  3. 西沢 隆.2007.第4章 イチゴ.金浜耕基編.野菜園芸学.文永堂.p.71-91.(分担執筆)
  4. 西沢 隆.2008.イチゴ.杉浦 明・宇都宮直樹・片岡郁雄・久保田尚浩・米森敬三 編集.果実の事典.朝倉書店.p.132-143.(分担執筆)
  5. 西沢 隆.2016.第1章 イチゴの根とクラウンからの貯蔵光合成産物の再転流他.宍戸良洋編著.光合成産物の転流と分配.養賢堂.p.23-28他.(分担執筆)
論  文
  1. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Hori. 1986. Translocation of 14C-assimilates from leaves of strawberry plants in vegetative stage as affected by leaf age and leaf position. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 54(4): 467-476.
  2. 西沢 隆・堀 裕.1988.イチゴにおける14C光合成産物の転流・分配に及ぼす花房の発育段階の影響. 園芸学会雑誌 57(3): 433-439.
  3. 西沢 隆・堀 裕.1989.イチゴの栄養生長期から休眠期にかけての光合成と光合成産物の転流・分配.園芸学会雑誌 57(4): 633-641.
  4. 西沢 隆.1990(平成2年).イチゴの葉柄の細胞長・細胞数に及ぼす日長の影響.園芸学会雑誌 59(3): 533-538.
  5. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Yasukawa. 1992. Effects of chilling on the length and number of epidermal cells in petioles of strawberry plants during the rest period. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 61(3): 551-557.
  6. Nishizawa, T. 1992. The length and number of epidermal cells in petioles of strawberry plants as affected by photoperiod and temperature during vegetative and resting periods. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 61(3): 559-564.
  7. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Hori. 1993. Effect of chilling on the induction of rest in strawberry plants. Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research 43(3-4): 73-77.
  8. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Hori. 1993. Effects of defoliation and root heating during rest on leaf growth in strawberry plants. Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research 43(3-4): 79-85.
  9. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Hori. 1993. Elongation of strawberry runners in relation to length and number of cells. Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research 43(3-4): 87-93.
  10. Nishizawa, T. 1993. The effect of paclobutrazol on growth and yield during first year greenhouse strawberry production. Scientia Horticulturae 54: 267-274.
  11. Nishizawa, T. 1994. Comparison of carbohydrate partitioning patterns between fruiting and deflorated June-bearing strawberry plants. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 62(4): 795-800.
  12. Nishizawa, T. 1994. Effects of photoperiods on the peduncle elongation and anthesis in strawberry plants. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 63(2): 341-345.
  13. Nishizawa, T. 1994. Effects of photoperiods on the length and number of epidermal cells in runners of strawberry plants. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 63(2): 347-352.
  14. Nishizawa, T. 1994. Changes in vegetative growth and stored carbohydrate contents in roots as influenced by winter chilling under light or shade of June-bearing strawberry plants. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 63(3): 559-565.
  15. 西沢 隆.1995.摘葉処理がイチゴ果実の肥大生長と栄養生長器官における炭水化物濃度におよぼす影響.園芸学会雑誌 64(1): 55-61.
  16. Nishizawa, T., Y. Shishido, M. Kudo, H. Kumakura and H. Hamamoto. 1997. Petiole length, chlorophyll and carbohydrate levels, and photosynthetic rates of June-bearing strawberry plants as influenced by red-light irradiation during storage under cool conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 72: 25-33.
  17. Nishizawa, T. and Y. Shishido. 1998. Changes in sugar and starch concentrations of forced June-bearing strawberry plants as influenced by fruiting. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science 123(1): 52-55.
  18. Nishizawa, T., Y. Shishido and H. Kumakura. 1998. Mobilization of 14C-carbohydrate reserves in relation to vegetative growth and inflorescence development in June bearing strawberry plants. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 73(4): 499-505.
  19. Nishizawa, T., A, Ito and Y. Shishido. 1999. Effects of light intervals on flower-bud formation, leaf growth, and chlorophyll and carbohydrate concentrations in “Nyoho” strawberry runner plants during storage under cool conditions. Environmental Control in Biology 37(1): 43-48.
  20. 西沢 隆・森 佑子・福島慎也・夏賀元康・丸山康広.2009.近赤外分光法によるイチゴ果実糖組成の非破壊測定.日本食品工学会誌.56(4): 229-235.