


Atsuko Ueki, Toshiaki Takehara, Gen Ishioka, Nobuo Kaku and Katsuji Ueki (2017) Degradation of the fungal cell wall by clostridial strains isolated from soil subjected to biological soil disinfestation and biocontrol of Fusarium wilt disease of spinach. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101 (22), 8267-8277.


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽から新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離し、Anaerotignum aminivoransと命名するとともに、近縁生物であるClostridium propionicumClostridium neopropionicumおよびClostridium lactatifermentansAnaerotignumの種として再分類し、下記の通り発表しました。

Atsuko Ueki, Kazushi Goto, Yoshimi Ohtaki, Nobuo Kaku and Katsuji Ueki (2017) Description of Anaerotignum aminivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a strictly-anaerobic, amino-acid-decomposing bacterium isolated from a methanogenic reactor, and reclassification of Clostridium propionicum, Clostridium neopropionicum and Clostridium lactatifermentans as Anaerotignum species. Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67(10), 4146-4153.

右の図はAnaerotignum aminivoransの細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真(a)と鞭毛染色細胞の写真(b)を示す(bar, 10 μm)。



Toru Watanabe, Takuma Mashiko, Rizki Maftukhah, Nobuo Kaku, Dong Duy Pham and Hiroaki Ito (2017) Nitrogen removal and power generation from treated municipal wastewater by its circulated irrigation for resource-saving rice cultivation. Water Science and Technology, 75(4), 898-907.



森勇人・高橋弘・加来伸夫・西村宏之 (2016) 繊維質固化処理土工法に用いるセルロース繊維の生分解性に関する実験的研究, Journal of MMIJ, 132(12), 182-189.


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽から新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離し、Falcatimonas natansと命名し、下記の通り発表しました。

Misa Watanabe, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki and Atsuko Ueki (2017) Falcatimonas natans gen. nov., sp. nov., a strictly-anaerobic, amino-acid-decomposing bacterium isolated from a methanogenic reactor of cattle waste. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66(11), 4639-4644.

右の図はFalcatimonas natansの細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真(a)と鞭毛染色細胞の写真(b)を示す(bar, 5 μm)。


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽から新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離してAnaerotaenia tortaおよびAnaerocolumna cellulosilyticaと命名し、また、Clostridium aminovalericumClostridium jejuenseおよびClostridium xylanovoransAnaerocolumnaの種として再分類し、下記の通り発表しました。

Atsuko Ueki, Yoshimi Ohtaki, Nobuo Kaku and Katsuji Ueki (2016) Descriptions of Anaerotaenia torta gen. nov., sp. nov. and Anaerocolumna cellulosilytica gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from a methanogenic reactor of cattle waste and reclassification of Clostridium aminovalericum, Clostridium jejuense and Clostridium xylanovorans as Anaerocolumna species. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66(8), 2936-2943.

右の図はAnaerotaenia torta(AとB)およびAnaerocolumna cellulosilytica(CとD)の細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真を示す。Bars: (A)と(C), 10 μm; (B), 50 μm; (D), 5 μm。


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽から新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離し、Aminocella lysinolyticaと命名して下記の通り発表しました。

Atsuko Ueki, Toru Shibuya, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki (2015) Aminocella lysinolytica gen. nov., sp. nov., a L-lysine-degrading, strictly anaerobic bacterium in the class Clostridia isolated from a methanogenic reactor of cattle farms. Archives of Microbiology, 197 (1), 97-104.

右の図はAminocella lysinolytica細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真を示す(bar, 5 μm)。


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽から新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離し、Propionispira arcuataと命名して下記の通り発表しました。また、Zymophilus raffinosivoransおよびZymophilus paucivoransPropionispira raffinosivorans comb. nov. およびPropionispira paucivorans comb. nov.として再分類しました。

Atsuko Ueki, Misa Watanabe, Yoshimi Ohtaki, Nobuo Kaku, and Katsuji Ueki (2014) Propionispira arcuata sp. nov., isolated from a methanogenic reactor of cattle waste and reclassification of Zymophilus raffinosivorans and Zymophilus paucivorans as Propionispira raffinosivorans comb. nov. and Propionispira paucivorans comb. nov., and emended description of the genus Propionispira. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64 (10), 3571-3577.

右の図はPropionispira arcuata細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真を示す(bar, 5 μm)。



Subrata Mowlick, Takashi Inoue, Toshiaki Takehara, Akio Tonouchi, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki and Atsuko Ueki (2014) Usefulness of Japanese radish residue in biological soil disinfestation to suppress spinach wilt disease accompanying with proliferation of soil bacteria in the Firmicutes. Crop Protection, 61, 64-73.



Subrata Mowlick, Takashi Inoue, Toshiaki Takehara, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki and Atsuko Ueki (2013) Changes and recovery of soil bacterial communities influenced by biological soil disinfestation as compared with chloropicrin-treatment. AMB Express, 3, article 46.



Subrata Mowlick, Hitoshi Yasukawa, Takashi Inoue, Toshiaki Takehara, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki, Atsuko Ueki (2013) Suppression of spinach wilt disease by biological soil disinfestation incorporated with Brassica juncea plants in association with changes in soil bacterial communities. Crop Protection, 54, 185-193.



Subrata Mowlick, Toshiaki Takehara, Nobuo Kaku, Katsuji Ueki and Atsuko Ueki (2013) Proliferation of diversified clostridial species during biological soil disinfestation incorporated with plant biomass under various conditions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97(18), 8365-8379.


Masanori Watanabe, Masahiro Makino, Nobuo Kaku, Masahiro Koyama, Kozo Nakamura and Kazuo Sasano (2013) Fermentative L-(+)-lactic acid production from non-sterilized rice washing drainage containing rice bran by a newly isolated lactic acid bacteria without any addition of nutrient. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 115(4), 449-452.



加来伸夫、及川はるか、鈴木志津香、太田恵理子、上木厚子、上木勝司 (2013) バイオディーゼル燃料製造廃水のメタン発酵に対する微生物接種源、基質濃度および無機塩類の影響. 山形大学紀要(農学), 16(4), 241-248.



Subrata Mowlick, Atsuko Ueki, Keisuke Hirota, Toshiaki Takehara, Nobuo Kaku and Katsuji Ueki (2012) Development of anaerobic bacterial community consisted of diverse clostridial species during biological soil disinfestation amended with plant biomass. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 58(3), 273-287.


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽からBacteroidetes門に属する新規偏性嫌気性細菌を分離し、Anaerocella delicataと命名して下記の通り発表しました。

Atsuko Ueki, Yoshimi Ohtaki, Nobuo Kaku, Kazuya Watanabe and Katsuji Ueki (2012) Anaerocella delicata gen. nov., sp. nov., a strictly anaerobic bacterium in the phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from a methanogenic reactor of cattle farms. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 58(6), 405-412.

右の図はAnaerocella delicata細胞の位相差顕微鏡写真を示す(bar, 10 μm)。


牛舎からの廃棄物を処理するメタン発酵槽中の稲わら残渣からActinobacteria門に属する新規細菌を分離し、Propioniciclava tardaと命名して下記の通り発表しました。

Yoshimichi Sugawara, Atsuko Ueki, Kunihiro Abe, Nobuo Kaku, Kazuya Watanabe and Katsuji Ueki (2011) Propioniciclava tarda gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a methanogenic reactor treating waste from cattle farms. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 61 (9), 2298-2303.

右の図はPropioniciclava tarda細胞をビタミンB12無添加条件(A)および添加条件(B)で増殖させたときの位相差顕微鏡写真を示す(bar, 5 μm)。


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